DICONDE is a digital data format standard that is developed for the display, analysis, storage and sharing of 2D and 3D digital data taken by NDT Digital Radiography systems.
Before talking about the features and advantages of the DICONDE, it is necessary to talk about the DICOM digital data standard, which is the starting point of the DICONDE. DICOM - (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) - is a standard protocol for the management and sharing of images and related data taken by medical digital radiography systems.
With the introduction of advanced medical technologies and the increasing use of computers in clinical studies, NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) and ACR (American College of Radiology) thought about a standard method for transferring data between devices from manufacturers producing data in different formats. Thus, the first DICOM protocol has been introduced. This protocol has become a standard in any medical field where digital imaging technology is heavily used, such as Cardiology, Oncology, and Dentistry, and is still in development today.
Seeing the advantages of the DICOM standard, ASTM formed a committee in 1999 to investigate the applicability of a similar protocol in industrial digital radiography.This committee introduced the ASTM E2339 norm, which is the first version of the DICONDE (Digital Imaging and Communication in Nondestructive Evaluation) protocol in 2004, after 5 years of research and development. This protocol was developed over time to include the CR, DR and CT test methods and continues to evolve today. Today, DICONDE is recognized in the entire NDT field, be it the aerospace, energy or automotive industries, and is a prerequisite for most projects and tenders. Therefore, DICONDE compatibility should be questioned when investing in a digital system. Below are our products that are fully compatible with the DICONDE digital data format that we can supply to you: